Ashley Noel
1 min readOct 1, 2017


Sometimes a person starts going out with an abuser but doesn’t know he’s a abuser until its too late. Abusive people are sometimes obsessive people – they want you, do anything to have you.

You need to test the waters.

One Saturday when you don’t have any plans with the new boyfriend – make plans to see a girl friend – say to him, no you can’t come along but I’ll see you tonight…see how he takes it.

When you go the supermarket start up a conversation with the male attendant behind the cashier – Don’t be flirty, just conversational, ask the cashier what time he knocks off, wish him a happy evening. See how the new boyfriend takes it.

And here’s an important one – lose something like your car keys. Ask him to help you find them…check out his irritation level. If he starts freaking out with frustration, you might have a freaker on you hands.

If you are with an abusive guy it is easier to get away from him after a month or so…than it is two years.

This is just my advice you can take it or leave it.

